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 (09-007.04-F) -  Shelf Number: MDV 148


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Date: December 21, 2005

Participants: Abelsky, Zalman (Rabbi); Lipovetskiy, Moisha Motylevich; Shpitalnik, Sara Solomonovna. Interviewed by Dov-Ber Kerler, Moisei Lemster, Dovid Katz.

Location recorded: Chișinău, Chișinău Municipality, Moldova

Language: Yiddish, Russian

Culture Group: Jews, Yiddish-speakers, Moldovans

 Recording Content:   

The first part of the recording is the continuation of an interview with Rabbi Zalman Abelsky. (Part 3 of 3. See MDV 146 and MDV 147)

The second part of the recording includes the continuation of a formal interview with Sara Solomonovna Shpitalnik. (see also: See MDV 141 and MDV 142)

The final part of the recording is the continuation of a formal interview with Moisha Motylevich Lipovetskiy. (Part 2 of 3. See MDV 146 and MDV 149)

00:00:00 Abelsky addresses Lubavitch-Chabad religious customs. The team then concludes the interview with Abelsky and the camera collects footage of the synagogue.
00:03:07 The camera cuts to the interview with Shpitalnik. She addresses contemporary Yiddish cultural life, as well as the library's Yiddish book collection. Shpitalnik then speaks about contemporary religious groups in Chişinău.
00:08:41 Shpitalnik speaks about her family, before addressing contemporary Jewish life. She then talks about her weekly Yiddish radio show.
00:11:39 The camera cuts to the continuation of a formal interview with Lipovetskiy. He talks about his life and family before the war. His father owned a horse and wagon and then worked at a wheel factory. Lipovetskiy's great-uncle moved to Eretz Yisrael.
00:15:24 Lipovetskiy speaks about his prewar education at a Yiddish school and religious school (talmud torah). He attended Yiddish school until 1940. He also speaks about his and his family's life during World War II. His mother worked at a cotton factory during Soviet occupation. Lipovetskiy's family evacuated together with factory workers to Chechnya, where they stayed for two years. His father was drafted into the Red Army. He then describes the evacuation experience working on kolkhozy in different places, including Kizlyar, Dagestan and Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, Lipovetskiy stayed until 1944.
00:19:59 Lipovetskiy speaks about his return to home to Bessarabia in 1944. He then addresses prewar religious life, including synagogue structure. He describes how the cook's synagogue offered meals and gave out food on Passover. He then recalls the rabbi of this synagogue and his visits to the talmud torah school.
00:25:40 Lipovetskiy talks about his education at the talmud torah school. He then speaks about postwar religious life and the restoration of the former bookbinder's/glazier's synagogue. Lipovetskiy also addresses local emigration.
00:28:37 Lipovetskiy talks about his education at the Yiddishs school "Vaysman." He also addresses catering at the talmud torah and Yiddish school.
00:31:17 Lipovetskiy touches upon his life in evacuation during World War II. He evacuated to the Kostanay district in Kazakhstan. He then returns to his Yiddish school education, as well as his Russian-language education in evacuation.
00:33:00 Lipovetskiy speaks about his life and work as school teacher after the war. He then discusses contemporary religious life and his family, before talking about his life today.
00:35:26 Lipovetskiy discusses prewar Jewish life, including institutions, in Chişinău. He also mentions the support of the Joint Distribution Committee before the war. Lipovetskiy then talks about life today.
00:40:17 Lipovetskiy discusses his childhood memories and games with Rabbi Yehuda Leib Tsirelson. He then addresses different Jewish groups and dialects, as well as contemporary religious service.
00:46:15 Lipovetskiy speaks about childhood games. He then sings a Yiddish song about a tailor's work, before turning to Jewish occupations before the war.
00:49:06 Lipovetskiy explains how his mother salted meat and talks about his family. His parents were also born in Chişinău.
00:53:54 Lipovetskiy talks about his family. He grew up with two sisters and one brother. He also touches upon prewar Passover celebrations and his talmud torah school education.
00:55:56 Lipovetskiy talks about the contemporary community. He then speaks about the relationship between Jews and non-Jews before the war, before addressing his life during the postwar Soviet period.
00:58:57 Lipovetskiy talks about prewar holiday celebration and food customs.
01:00:32 End of recording.